This podcasting thing is fun! You get to say whatever is on your mind. I love it! This week I decided to tackle the dreaded IN-LAWS rant:

There are a TON of MOMS who have posted about their in-laws being terrible for so many reasons. I decided that it was time to really reflect on this topic in the only way I know how – from personal experience. 😉

Yes, it’s true. I know it sounds terrible but why create a podcast if you’re not going to be honest about it?!!

The feedback I’ve received from this podcast has been really eye opening. It seems so many MOMS have dealt (or are currently dealing with) annoying and difficult in-laws. Now I know not all are terrible but it’s high time that in-laws realized it’s our home, our children, our lives.

If they want to be apart of it, then they need to understand boundaries and respect! Amen, MAMA!!

Next week, I’m revealing my holiday gift guide and it’s a DOOZY!! All the hottest gifts for kids that I don’t understand why parents are going crazy for!!

Till next ranters…



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